Dedicated to holding men responsible for their actions, behaviors and role in society. Using non-violent peer pressure to stop unhealthy behaviors among men that negatively impacts them, their family, the community and society.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
New Jersey Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights: A Very Slippery Slope
Winnie Hu in her New York Times article, "Bullying Law Puts New Jersey Schools on [the] Spot", reports, "Under a new state law in New Jersey, lunch-line bullies in the East Hanover schools can be reported to the police by their classmates this fall through anonymous tips to the Crimestoppers hot line." The law is called the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights. But whose rights does it protect?
According to Winnie, "In Elizabeth, children, including kindergartners, will spend six class periods learning, among other things, the difference between telling and tattling. And at North Hunterdon High School, students will be told that there is no such thing as an innocent bystander when it comes to bullying: if they see it, they have a responsibility to try to stop it."
Winnie goes on to say that this puts an unfunded mandate on New Jersey schools. So more money is needed to investigate those who bully. Another reason to increase public school funding magically appears right before our eyes. She totally misses the big picture.
What Winnie misses is just what concerns many parents, teachers and school based administrators about this onerous law. The Anti-Bulling Bill of Rights infringes upon the first Ten Amendments to our Constitution. The law goes overboard by crminializing something that is normal and common. Children expressing their opinions about other children. It puts into the hands of an "antibullying specialist" the requirement to investigate complaints. Is this a new layer of law enforcement? As Richard G. Bozza, executive director of the New Jersey Association of School Administrators, said. “I think this has gone well overboard. Now we have to police the community 24 hours a day."
New Jersey has now outlawed what exactly - having an opinion?
What is the legal definition of bullying? What if one child passes along a opinion about another child? Who has violated the law? The child who initially stated the opinion or the child (or children) who pass it along? What if a child disagrees with another child about something? Is saying they disagree with their classmate constitute bullying?
Let me give you three examples:
1. A child states that another child is in the school is an illegal alien and reports that fact to other students. Congress has passed legislation making illegal immigration a crime. Is the child bullying the illegal alien student?
2. What if a Muslim child says to a gay child that he disagrees with his classmate's life style because of his firm religious beliefs. Is that bullying? Or is that freedom of speech and freedom of religion?
3. Or how about a black child voicing an opinion about how a white child dresses or behaves around other minority students. Is that bullying?
What about the reverse of each of these examples?
This law begs so many questions that delve into the morals and behaviors of individual children without foundation. In public schools many children are too young to understand what they are expressing. Remember that old saying, "Out of the mouths of babes"? Sometimes children will, well, just be children and tell the truth that upsets another child. Is that criminal? What will parents now do if their child is faced with a crime and criminal record at the age of 6 years-old?
On September 1, 2011 any child can now call the Crimestoppers hot line in New Jersey and snitch on another child. What if the snitch is found to be wrong? Will the snitch be then charged with bullying or bearing false witness or lying?
Do you see the dilemma and slippery slope New Jersey has created?
When is a snitch a bully and when does a bully become a snitch in order to bully? Who makes that determination and based upon what? Bullying is not a crime unless and until it becomes violent. Then the perpetrator has committed a real crime - assault.
Feel good laws like the New Jersey Anti-Bullying Bill or Rights always have serious unintended consequences. I fear this law will do much more harm than good to our most precious resource - our children.
Let children be children. I see schools under this New Jersey law filled with those who will not express their opinions in the very places where the free exchange of ideas is paramount.
This so-called Bill of Rights is actually a Bill of Oppressive Silence. Shades of the former Soviet Union and its network of informers.
Perry signs pledge to protect marriage, oppose homosexual ‘marriage’
![]() |
Governor Rick Perry |
WASHINGTON, D.C., August 30, 2011 ( – Presidential candidate Rick Perry has signed a pledge that if elected president he will protect the traditional definition of marriage and oppose homosexual “marriage.” The Republican Texas governor joins Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum in signing the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) pledge.
Rick Perry's signature on the National Organization for Marriage pledge
“Kudos to Gov. Rick Perry for making it clear: he’s a marriage champion,” National Organization for Marriage (NOM) president Brian Brown said in an August 26 statement.
“By doing so, Perry makes crystal clear that, contrary to the conventional wisdom, gay marriage is going to be a bigger issue in 2012 than it was in 2008, because the difference between the GOP nominee and President Obama is going to be large and clear,” Brown said. “We look forward to demonstrating that being for marriage is a winning position for a presidential candidate.”
The NOM marriage pledge lists five commitments. The first commitment is to support passage of a federal constitutional amendment defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman. Perry, a supporter of states-rights, has previously said that the legal definition of marriage is the states’ prerogative.
“Our friends in New York six weeks ago passed a statute that said marriage can be between two people of the same sex. And you know what? That’s New York, and that’s their business, and that’s fine with me,” Perry told an audience in Aspen, Colorado on July 22.
“That is their call,” said Perry. “If you believe in the 10th Amendment, stay out of their business.”
Days later, Perry clarified his stance by saying that he is against homosexual marriage and does not believe it is “fine” that New York passed its new law, but reiterated that the right way to protect marriage was at the state level.
NOM Chairman Maggie Gallagher told LifeSiteNews that she doesn’t view Perry’s support for a federal constitutional amendment as a “flip flop,” but rather a “clarification” of his states-rights position.
“Perry, like most conservatives and unlike President Barack Obama, believes that if you are going to get a federal constitutional right, you have to actually amend the constitution, a process which requires three-fourths of the states to agree,” she said.
“I’m very pleased to see Rick Perry demonstrate he’s a marriage champion.”
The NOM pledge’s second commitment is to appoint federal judges and justices who reject the idea that “our Founding Fathers inserted a right to gay marriage into our Constitution,” and its third is to support the Defense of Marriage Act “vigorously” in court. Perry supported the Texas Defense of Marriage Act when it was under debate and eventually approved by Texans.
The fourth commitment says that, as president, the signatory will “establish a presidential commission on religious liberty” to investigate claims of threats or harassment of individuals who advocate against homosexual “marriage.” And the final commitment is to “advance legislation” allowing for a popular vote in Washington, D.C. on whether to allow homosexual marriage. Bishop Harry Jackson of Hope Christian Church in Beltsville, Maryland had sued Washington to allow for a popular vote on the issue, but was denied.
To find out more about Perry’s record on the life and family issues read Part I, Part II, and Part III of our special report: Who is Rick Perry?
To find out more about Perry’s record on the life and family issues read Part I, Part II, and Part III of our special report: Who is Rick Perry?
Monday, August 29, 2011
Destroying America's Moral Fiber
There’s something very wrong when the forthcoming memorial ceremonies of 9/11 at Ground Zero in New York City will not include prayer. Almost by definition, a memorial service includes prayer for the souls of the dead and for renewal in the face of adversity. The failure to include representatives of different faiths is not just a bad decision, it is indicative of an effort to erase religion from public events and institutions.
The Constitution does not forbid the practice of religion. It forbids the states and federal government from imposing a state religion.
Across America we have seen the slow creep of moral decline in public institutions despite a population that is widely understood to have a deep faith in a greater power in their lives, but which I mean God, not government. America overcame its economic problems in the 1980s through the leadership of Ronald Reagan who never hesitated to cite God as the inspiration and source of our fundamental belief in freedom and liberty.
To my mind, it began with the prohibition of school prayer, a part of the educational experience for generations of American children. Since then, schools have been turned into minimum security prisons with a notable rise in bullying. Along with the Pledge of Allegiance, a short prayer was a reminder and reinforcement of the belief that there is a higher power, despite the arrogance of officialdom at all levels.
Though homosexuals represent a very small percent of the population, they have received increasing attention in the nation’s media and have become emboldened to hold parades in cities where they celebrate their sexual deviancy.
Most notably has been the decision by several states to authorize same-sex marriage despite the extension of “civil unions” to provide for gaps in the legal process as they affect homosexuals living in committed relationships. The degradation of the sanctity of marriage, a practice and tradition dating back for millennia, has been nothing less than an attack on moral values in America.
The campaign to reduce former levels of intolerance for homosexuals began when the American Psychiatric Association (APA) concluded in 1973 that homosexuality was not a mental disease or disorder. It voted to support “gay rights.” .
Peddling Pedophilia
A recent conference sponsored by B4U-Act, a pedophilia advocacy group, featured psychiatric professionals who argued to remove pedophilia from the APA’s “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. If that were to occur, pedophilia would no longer be considered a mental disorder, at least by this professional group.
This is the North American Man-Boy Love Association on steroids.
Should that occur, the doors would be open to consider this abhorrent behavior, condemned throughout our society, as just another behavior that does not merit severe penalties. As if every child in America is not already at risk, this would encourage the media to encourage greater public acceptance and “understanding” of pedophilia.
The B4U-Act conference concluded that pedophilia was “not a choice”, that efforts to treat pedophilia are “similar to methods used on homosexuals 50 years ago and similarly ineffective”, and that ‘minor-attracted persons “do not exhibit narcissism, psychosexual immaturity…psychopathology, neurosis or any personality disorder more than people attracted to adults.”
This is such a blatant effort to suggest that pedophiles are just like everyone else that it renders the profession of psychiatry a thin excuse for every form of deviancy that threatens individuals—in this case children—and society at large with the failure to discourage and punish this abomination.
Those psychiatrists and psychologists have apparently already forgotten the horror that greeted revelations of widespread pedophilia among Catholic priests and others responsible for children in their care.
In early August, former child star, Corey Feldman, courageously declared “The number one problem in Hollywood was and is and always will be pedophilia” saying that the “casting couch” exists for children, too.
This is occurring as America witnesses the most gay-friendly administration in its history. The appointment by President Obama of Kevin Jennings to a position in the Department of Education is an example. Jennings helped introduce Bill 4530 in Congress that would require the normalization of homosexuality, transgenderism, cross-dressing and other behaviors into the curriculums of schools from coast to coast. California has introduced legislation mandating such views in its schools.
Jennings was a long-time homosexual activist in Massachusetts and the founder of GLSEN, a homosexual organization that targets children in schools. He has since left the administration to lead an organization in Cambridge, Massachusetts with the same goals.
The nation’s economic problems can be fixed and we can ensure a strong defense, but the moral rot that is occurring with every passing day will destroy America from within more surely than any external enemy could hope for.
© Alan Caruba, 2011
The Constitution does not forbid the practice of religion. It forbids the states and federal government from imposing a state religion.
Across America we have seen the slow creep of moral decline in public institutions despite a population that is widely understood to have a deep faith in a greater power in their lives, but which I mean God, not government. America overcame its economic problems in the 1980s through the leadership of Ronald Reagan who never hesitated to cite God as the inspiration and source of our fundamental belief in freedom and liberty.
To my mind, it began with the prohibition of school prayer, a part of the educational experience for generations of American children. Since then, schools have been turned into minimum security prisons with a notable rise in bullying. Along with the Pledge of Allegiance, a short prayer was a reminder and reinforcement of the belief that there is a higher power, despite the arrogance of officialdom at all levels.
Though homosexuals represent a very small percent of the population, they have received increasing attention in the nation’s media and have become emboldened to hold parades in cities where they celebrate their sexual deviancy.
Most notably has been the decision by several states to authorize same-sex marriage despite the extension of “civil unions” to provide for gaps in the legal process as they affect homosexuals living in committed relationships. The degradation of the sanctity of marriage, a practice and tradition dating back for millennia, has been nothing less than an attack on moral values in America.
The campaign to reduce former levels of intolerance for homosexuals began when the American Psychiatric Association (APA) concluded in 1973 that homosexuality was not a mental disease or disorder. It voted to support “gay rights.” .
Peddling Pedophilia
A recent conference sponsored by B4U-Act, a pedophilia advocacy group, featured psychiatric professionals who argued to remove pedophilia from the APA’s “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. If that were to occur, pedophilia would no longer be considered a mental disorder, at least by this professional group.
This is the North American Man-Boy Love Association on steroids.
Should that occur, the doors would be open to consider this abhorrent behavior, condemned throughout our society, as just another behavior that does not merit severe penalties. As if every child in America is not already at risk, this would encourage the media to encourage greater public acceptance and “understanding” of pedophilia.
The B4U-Act conference concluded that pedophilia was “not a choice”, that efforts to treat pedophilia are “similar to methods used on homosexuals 50 years ago and similarly ineffective”, and that ‘minor-attracted persons “do not exhibit narcissism, psychosexual immaturity…psychopathology, neurosis or any personality disorder more than people attracted to adults.”
This is such a blatant effort to suggest that pedophiles are just like everyone else that it renders the profession of psychiatry a thin excuse for every form of deviancy that threatens individuals—in this case children—and society at large with the failure to discourage and punish this abomination.
Those psychiatrists and psychologists have apparently already forgotten the horror that greeted revelations of widespread pedophilia among Catholic priests and others responsible for children in their care.
In early August, former child star, Corey Feldman, courageously declared “The number one problem in Hollywood was and is and always will be pedophilia” saying that the “casting couch” exists for children, too.
This is occurring as America witnesses the most gay-friendly administration in its history. The appointment by President Obama of Kevin Jennings to a position in the Department of Education is an example. Jennings helped introduce Bill 4530 in Congress that would require the normalization of homosexuality, transgenderism, cross-dressing and other behaviors into the curriculums of schools from coast to coast. California has introduced legislation mandating such views in its schools.
Jennings was a long-time homosexual activist in Massachusetts and the founder of GLSEN, a homosexual organization that targets children in schools. He has since left the administration to lead an organization in Cambridge, Massachusetts with the same goals.
The nation’s economic problems can be fixed and we can ensure a strong defense, but the moral rot that is occurring with every passing day will destroy America from within more surely than any external enemy could hope for.
© Alan Caruba, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
How to Spot Homosexual Activism in Schools
From: Focus on the Family
True Tolerance: Do You Know How to Spot Homosexual Activism in Schools? As a parent or concerned citizen, it’s easy to feel a bit powerless and intimidated when trying to navigate large, bureaucratic school systems.
But the good news is, you are not alone – and you are definitely not powerless. That’s why we’ve created to equip parents and citizens with excellent resources to help them present their viewpoint in a loving, reasonable and fact-based way.
Red Flags Parents Can Watch For As a parent or concerned citizen reading the information on this Web site, you might be wondering, How can I tell whether any of this is happening in my neighborhood schools?
It’s easy to feel a bit powerless and intimidated when trying to navigate large, bureaucratic school systems.
But the good news is, you are not alone–and you are definitely not powerless. That’s why we’ve created this Web site–to equip parents and community citizens with excellent resources that will enable them to present their viewpoint in a loving, reasonable and fact-based way.
To help get you started, below we’ve listed four red flags to watch for–indicators that can help alert you about whether homosexual advocacy groups might be influencing what’s happening in your public school classrooms–as well as suggestions for how to respond.
1) Books Promoting Homosexuality Many parents across the land are discovering that books for children as young as kindergarten–sometimes even preschool–are being used to acquaint children with the idea of same-sex relationships and things like bisexuality and transgenderism. (See this list of books that have been recommended to educators by GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network).
So one of the easiest ways you can start researching what’s happening in your school district, is to check out the public school libraries. Nowadays, most schools have online library catalogues for all grade levels, and you can use key words to search the content in the database.
The school library is an important indicator of what’s happening in the rest of the school because, technically, the library is supposed to reflect and support the larger school curriculum. And teachers often draw from the library to supplement lesson plans. So if you see an unusual number of sexually explicit books or content that promotes homosexual activism popping up in the search list, that’s a strong indicator that you might want to start asking more questions about if and how these materials are used in classrooms or for student assignments.
2) Videos and other Supplemental Materials You can also ask about whether videos or other materials are being used to supplement and expand the regular curriculum. Even though they may not be listed as an official part of the curriculum, unbeknownst to parents, oftentimes videos promoting same-sex relationships–or materials, such as crossword puzzles that teach kids the meaning of terms such as “transgender”–are available for use by teachers to supplement their regular lesson plans. Read more about parents who discovered these sorts of materials being used in their schools in these articles:
"Under the Banner of Tolerance" -- truetolerance/Under_the_ Banner_of_Tolerance.pdf and
"Parents Beware" -- truetolerance/p9_June_Jul_ Citizen_10_antibullying.pdf
3) “Family Diversity,” “Tolerance,” or “Safe Schools” Instruction You’ll also want to start asking questions if your school announces a so-called family diversity course and/or “tolerance” or “safe school” programs. Oftentimes, homosexuality promotion is couched within these programs (or within lessons labeled as “anti-bullying”) without parents being notified. By categorizing homosexual-themed teaching within a subject like “family diversity” or “social justice,” school officials often try to skirt parental control. They argue that since this teaching is categorized as a social issue — and not labeled as sex education — they no longer have to give parents prior notice and/or the ability to exempt their children from the class.
One way to begin researching this is to visit your school’s Web site. Many school Web sites have something similar to a “Curriculum and Instruction” category listed under the “Departments” heading. That’s the best place to start. You can look for certain flag words or titles which have a likelihood of having homosexuality teaching incorporated into the program without parents knowing. You can also click on the “school board” section of your school district’s Web site and actually examine the board agenda & minutes and do a search for key words, such as “diversity” or “tolerance.”
4) School laws & policies that single out “sexual orientation” or “gender identity” Homosexual activists groups have waged a national campaign lately to pressure school districts across the country to enforce so-called anti-discrimination or anti-bullying policies that spell out categories such as “sexual orientation” or “gender identity.” While these campaigns sound well-meaning and compassionate, the problem is that the policies are often used as leverage to undermine parental rights and mandate homosexuality lessons in the classrooms. Read more about that trend here.
What can you do if you discover these warning signs in your school district? For more information, read:
'How to Respond to Homosexual Advocacy in Your School District" -- 2011/six-ways-parents-can- respond-to-homosexual- activism-in-public-schools/
© 2009—2011 Focus on the Family
True Tolerance: Do You Know How to Spot Homosexual Activism in Schools? As a parent or concerned citizen, it’s easy to feel a bit powerless and intimidated when trying to navigate large, bureaucratic school systems.
But the good news is, you are not alone – and you are definitely not powerless. That’s why we’ve created to equip parents and citizens with excellent resources to help them present their viewpoint in a loving, reasonable and fact-based way.
Red Flags Parents Can Watch For As a parent or concerned citizen reading the information on this Web site, you might be wondering, How can I tell whether any of this is happening in my neighborhood schools?
It’s easy to feel a bit powerless and intimidated when trying to navigate large, bureaucratic school systems.
But the good news is, you are not alone–and you are definitely not powerless. That’s why we’ve created this Web site–to equip parents and community citizens with excellent resources that will enable them to present their viewpoint in a loving, reasonable and fact-based way.
To help get you started, below we’ve listed four red flags to watch for–indicators that can help alert you about whether homosexual advocacy groups might be influencing what’s happening in your public school classrooms–as well as suggestions for how to respond.
1) Books Promoting Homosexuality Many parents across the land are discovering that books for children as young as kindergarten–sometimes even preschool–are being used to acquaint children with the idea of same-sex relationships and things like bisexuality and transgenderism. (See this list of books that have been recommended to educators by GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network).
So one of the easiest ways you can start researching what’s happening in your school district, is to check out the public school libraries. Nowadays, most schools have online library catalogues for all grade levels, and you can use key words to search the content in the database.
The school library is an important indicator of what’s happening in the rest of the school because, technically, the library is supposed to reflect and support the larger school curriculum. And teachers often draw from the library to supplement lesson plans. So if you see an unusual number of sexually explicit books or content that promotes homosexual activism popping up in the search list, that’s a strong indicator that you might want to start asking more questions about if and how these materials are used in classrooms or for student assignments.
2) Videos and other Supplemental Materials You can also ask about whether videos or other materials are being used to supplement and expand the regular curriculum. Even though they may not be listed as an official part of the curriculum, unbeknownst to parents, oftentimes videos promoting same-sex relationships–or materials, such as crossword puzzles that teach kids the meaning of terms such as “transgender”–are available for use by teachers to supplement their regular lesson plans. Read more about parents who discovered these sorts of materials being used in their schools in these articles:
"Under the Banner of Tolerance" --
"Parents Beware" --
3) “Family Diversity,” “Tolerance,” or “Safe Schools” Instruction You’ll also want to start asking questions if your school announces a so-called family diversity course and/or “tolerance” or “safe school” programs. Oftentimes, homosexuality promotion is couched within these programs (or within lessons labeled as “anti-bullying”) without parents being notified. By categorizing homosexual-themed teaching within a subject like “family diversity” or “social justice,” school officials often try to skirt parental control. They argue that since this teaching is categorized as a social issue — and not labeled as sex education — they no longer have to give parents prior notice and/or the ability to exempt their children from the class.
One way to begin researching this is to visit your school’s Web site. Many school Web sites have something similar to a “Curriculum and Instruction” category listed under the “Departments” heading. That’s the best place to start. You can look for certain flag words or titles which have a likelihood of having homosexuality teaching incorporated into the program without parents knowing. You can also click on the “school board” section of your school district’s Web site and actually examine the board agenda & minutes and do a search for key words, such as “diversity” or “tolerance.”
4) School laws & policies that single out “sexual orientation” or “gender identity” Homosexual activists groups have waged a national campaign lately to pressure school districts across the country to enforce so-called anti-discrimination or anti-bullying policies that spell out categories such as “sexual orientation” or “gender identity.” While these campaigns sound well-meaning and compassionate, the problem is that the policies are often used as leverage to undermine parental rights and mandate homosexuality lessons in the classrooms. Read more about that trend here.
What can you do if you discover these warning signs in your school district? For more information, read:
'How to Respond to Homosexual Advocacy in Your School District" --
© 2009—2011 Focus on the Family
Friday, August 26, 2011
Teacher suspended for criticizing gay ‘marriage’ reinstated
MOUNT DORA, FL, August 25, 2011 ( - A social studies teacher who was suspended from the classroom due to comments he made on his private Facebook page condemning same-sex “marriage” is now being allowed to return to his teaching duties.
Jerry Buell’s re-instatement was announced yesterday in a press releaseissued by Liberty Counsel, the non-profit organization that represented him when the Lake County School Board launched an investigation after receiving a complaint about his post.
Commenting on New York’s legalization of same-sex marriage, Buell had written: “I’m watching the news, eating dinner, when the story about New York okaying same sex unions came on and I almost threw up.”
He went on to post: “And now they show two guys kissing after their announcement. If they want to call it a union, go ahead. But don’t insult a man and woman’s marriage by throwing it in the same cesspool as same-sex whatever! God will not be mocked. When did this sin become acceptable???”
According to Liberty Counsel’s statement, the complaint was lodged by a 2002 graduate of Mount Dora High School, who had never had Buell as a teacher.
Buell is a veteran teacher at the Florida high school, and chair of the school’s social studies department. He was named teacher of the year in 2010.
After a weeklong investigation to determine whether the comments constituted an ethics code violation, Buell was re-instated three days after the school year began.
“This is a great day for the Constitution. By fully exonerating Mr. Buell, the Lake County School Board has reaffirmed what the rest of Americans already knew. The First Amendment protects the right of public servants to express their personal opinion without any fear or intimidation. It is a shame that Mr. Buell had to miss three days of teaching for his employer to learn this lesson,” Harry Mihet, Senior Litigation Counsel for Liberty Counsel, commented.
According to an Orlando Sentinel report, Buell met with Lake County School Superintendent Susan Moxley for about an hour before Moxley announced her decision. It was also announced that a “written directive,” the contents of which will be available to the public in ten days, has been placed in Buell’s file.
Although Buell has said that he is taking down his Facebook page, he told CNN in an interview earlier this week that he stands by the comments he made there.
“I stand by what I said. One of the things that make America great is the fact that we can disagree, and there’s nothing wrong with passion,” Buell said. “It was not use of bad language or anything, just passionate words.”
In response to a question about returning to a classroom that may include homosexual students, Buell said that he respected all his students “as the children of God and creations of God that they are.”
“I explain to my students, you won’t feel safer, you won’t find a place you’ll be more respected, and you won’t find a place you’ll have more fun all day, and I would challenge anybody to ask any one of my thousands of students if that has not proven to be true,” he said.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Obama Administration Declares Children as 'Sexual Beings'
Indiana University Zoologist Dr. Alfred C. Kinsey shocked the nation in 1948 with the publication of Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, followed in 1953 by Sexual Behavior in the Human Female.
Since the publication of these two reports Dr. Kinsey and his research have been scientifically debunked.
However, he lives on in the hearts and minds of the gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender movement as a sage. Gays, when confronted with their behaviors, always say the person confronting them is gay also. This has most recently been used against Republican presidential candidate and Texas Governor Rick Perry who has been called gay.
According to Robert H. Knight, "[T]his comes from Kinsey stating that 95 percent of men committed sexual crimes such as rape, sodomy, incest, homosexuality, adultery, public exposure, fornication or other offenses. If most men were sexual criminals of one sort or another, Kinsey reasoned, then society should redefine what is 'normal' and reduce penalties for sex offenses." [My emphasis]
It appears that the Obama administration and the U.S. Department of Health and Human services agree with Dr. Kinsey. Time to redifine "normal", especially in children.
According to Fox News, reporting on parenting tips listed on the U.S. Department of Health website, found this advice, "Children are 'sexual beings' who shouldn't be discouraged from touching themselves unless it gets out of hand. . .The site also says teenagers may 'experiment' sexually with members of the same sex regardless of whether they are gay or straight." [My emphasis]
I recently reported on a group named B4U-ACT, which promotes pedophilia. B4U-ACT redefines pedophiles as "minor-attracted" persons. Dr. Kinsey, B4U-ACT and now the Obama administration are all on the same sexual behaviors page.
They are all what Liberty University visiting Professor of Law Judith Reisman calls "Sexual Anarchists".
Kinsey was instrumental is denigrating men, women and families. He was partial to single parent mothers, gay men and pedophiles. Kinsey's experimental research is particularly telling. Of special note were Kinsey's experiments with children from the age of 2 months to 15 years who were exposed to pedophiles. These children are known as the "children of table 31". According to "How Alfred C. Kinsey’s Sex Studies Have Harmed Women and Children by Robert H. Knight":
Robert states, "With his benign view of child sexual abuse, Kinsey became an activist on behalf of child molesters. In 1949, for example, he testified before the California General Assembly’s Subcommittee on Sex Crimes, urging them to liberalize sex offense statutes. He argued specifically for granting immediate paroles to suspected child molesters, and warned that societal 'hysteria' does more harm to children than the actual molestations."
Fast forward to today and B4U-ACT's definition of pedophiles as "minor-attracted persons" coupled with the U.S. Department of Health's declaration of children as "sexual beings". B4U-ACT states pedophiles are “unfairly stigmatized and demonized' by society to the idea that 'children are not inherently unable to consent' to sex with an adult." The U.S DOH stating, "teenagers may 'experiment' sexually with members of the same sex regardless of whether they are gay or straight."
Are you connecting the dots?
The Obama administration, B4U-ACT, GLSEN, ALSO, the Rainbow PUSH Coalition and other gay advocacy organizations are the new sexual anarchists.
Since the publication of these two reports Dr. Kinsey and his research have been scientifically debunked.
However, he lives on in the hearts and minds of the gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender movement as a sage. Gays, when confronted with their behaviors, always say the person confronting them is gay also. This has most recently been used against Republican presidential candidate and Texas Governor Rick Perry who has been called gay.
According to Robert H. Knight, "[T]his comes from Kinsey stating that 95 percent of men committed sexual crimes such as rape, sodomy, incest, homosexuality, adultery, public exposure, fornication or other offenses. If most men were sexual criminals of one sort or another, Kinsey reasoned, then society should redefine what is 'normal' and reduce penalties for sex offenses." [My emphasis]
It appears that the Obama administration and the U.S. Department of Health and Human services agree with Dr. Kinsey. Time to redifine "normal", especially in children.
According to Fox News, reporting on parenting tips listed on the U.S. Department of Health website, found this advice, "Children are 'sexual beings' who shouldn't be discouraged from touching themselves unless it gets out of hand. . .The site also says teenagers may 'experiment' sexually with members of the same sex regardless of whether they are gay or straight." [My emphasis]
I recently reported on a group named B4U-ACT, which promotes pedophilia. B4U-ACT redefines pedophiles as "minor-attracted" persons. Dr. Kinsey, B4U-ACT and now the Obama administration are all on the same sexual behaviors page.
They are all what Liberty University visiting Professor of Law Judith Reisman calls "Sexual Anarchists".
Kinsey was instrumental is denigrating men, women and families. He was partial to single parent mothers, gay men and pedophiles. Kinsey's experimental research is particularly telling. Of special note were Kinsey's experiments with children from the age of 2 months to 15 years who were exposed to pedophiles. These children are known as the "children of table 31". According to "How Alfred C. Kinsey’s Sex Studies Have Harmed Women and Children by Robert H. Knight":
"Kinsey also based his liberal view of child rape on research tabulated in Graph Tables 31-34 in the male volume, which chronicled systematic sexual abuse of boys aged 2 months to 15 years old. Kinsey concluded that the boys, despite violent reactions and crying, enjoyed being manually and orally stimulated by pedophiles. To Kinsey, what most people thought was rape was merely 'sex play' with children, which was essentially harmless, particularly if the child gave 'consent.' He also included this chilling observation: 'Orgasm is in our records for a female babe of 4 months.'
The Kinsey Institute, situated on Indiana University’s campus, continues to refuse to open the records of the Kinsey child sex data to public scrutiny."
Fast forward to today and B4U-ACT's definition of pedophiles as "minor-attracted persons" coupled with the U.S. Department of Health's declaration of children as "sexual beings". B4U-ACT states pedophiles are “unfairly stigmatized and demonized' by society to the idea that 'children are not inherently unable to consent' to sex with an adult." The U.S DOH stating, "teenagers may 'experiment' sexually with members of the same sex regardless of whether they are gay or straight."
Are you connecting the dots?
The Obama administration, B4U-ACT, GLSEN, ALSO, the Rainbow PUSH Coalition and other gay advocacy organizations are the new sexual anarchists.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
B4U-ACT Baltimore Conference: Pedophiles are just "minor-attracted persons"
The organization B4U-ACT sponsored its Summer 2011 Symposium in Baltimore on August 17th, which was attended by pro-pedophile activists and mental health professionals. The conference examined the ways in which “minor-attracted persons” could be involved in a revision of the American Psychological Association (APA) classification of pedophilia.
B4U-ACT classifies pedophilia as simply another sexual orientation and decries the “stigma” attached to pedophilia. B4U-ACT science director Howard Kline has criticized the definition of pedophilia by the American Psychological Association, describing its treatment of “minor-attracted persons” as “inaccurate” and “misleading.”
The featured speaker at the event was Fred Berlin, M.D., Ph.D., founder, National Institute for the Study, Prevention and Treatment of Sexual Trauma; founder, Johns Hopkins Sexual Disorders Clinic. Other speakers included: Renee Sorentino of Harvard Medical School, John Sadler of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, and John Breslow of the London School of Economics and Political Science.
B4U-ACT according to its website was established in 2003 as a 501(c)(3) organization with the following purposes:
In an interview with LifeSiteNews (LSN), Liberty University Visiting Professor of Law Judith Reisman, who attended the conference, said that “post the ‘landmark’ Lawrence v. Texas decision in 2003, paraphrasing Justice Antonin Scalia, everything goes.”
“I go into detail on this in my last book, ‘Sexual Sabotage,’” she said. “Following Alfred Kinsey ‘sexologists’ began to occupy our schools, so that educated professionals have largely been trained to be a form of sexual anarchists.”
“Although the stupidity of advocating harmless amoral sexuality overwhelms us daily, our arrogant ‘educated’ populations say morality has no place in our sexual lives,” Reisman said. “Just as AIDS is a natural outgrowth of amoral sexual education and media, so too is child sexual abuse. We are breeding a new human character and child sexual abuse is increasingly part of that character.”
“I, for one, have had enough,” Barber told LifeSiteNews. “These sexual anarchists, whatever their perverse stripe, need to leave our children alone and let kids be kids.”
According to Professor Reisman, "“They know that to own the future, they must own the minds of our children. Hence, groups like B4U-ACT, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, Planned Parenthood and the like, utilize academia, from pre-school to post-graduate, in order to brainwash and indoctrinate.”
Liberty Counsel Action Vice President Matt Barber, who attended the conference states, "These mental health ‘professionals,’ and self-described pedophile and ‘gay’ activists were inexplicably able to cavalierly discuss, in an almost dismissive way, the idea of child rape. They used flowery, euphemistic psychobabble to give quasi-scientific cover to a discussion about the worst kind of perversion.”
I do not know what to say at this point in my column. We see our public schools, colleges, universities, politicians and President embracing the gay lifestyle with vigor. It is now clear that we are breeding a new human character where anything goes, even pedophilia.
Welcome to the world of the American "Sexual Anarchist". article/hhs-children-are- sexual-beings-even-infa
B4U-ACT classifies pedophilia as simply another sexual orientation and decries the “stigma” attached to pedophilia. B4U-ACT science director Howard Kline has criticized the definition of pedophilia by the American Psychological Association, describing its treatment of “minor-attracted persons” as “inaccurate” and “misleading.”
The featured speaker at the event was Fred Berlin, M.D., Ph.D., founder, National Institute for the Study, Prevention and Treatment of Sexual Trauma; founder, Johns Hopkins Sexual Disorders Clinic. Other speakers included: Renee Sorentino of Harvard Medical School, John Sadler of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, and John Breslow of the London School of Economics and Political Science.
B4U-ACT according to its website was established in 2003 as a 501(c)(3) organization with the following purposes:
- To publicly promote services and resources for self-identified individuals (adults and adolescents) who are sexually attracted to children and seek such assistance,
- To educate mental health providers regarding the approaches helpful for such individuals,
- To develop a pool of providers in Maryland who agree to serve these individuals and abide by B4U-ACT's Principles and Perspectives of Practice, and
- To educate the citizens of Maryland regarding issues faced by these individuals.
In an interview with LifeSiteNews (LSN), Liberty University Visiting Professor of Law Judith Reisman, who attended the conference, said that “post the ‘landmark’ Lawrence v. Texas decision in 2003, paraphrasing Justice Antonin Scalia, everything goes.”
“I go into detail on this in my last book, ‘Sexual Sabotage,’” she said. “Following Alfred Kinsey ‘sexologists’ began to occupy our schools, so that educated professionals have largely been trained to be a form of sexual anarchists.”
“Although the stupidity of advocating harmless amoral sexuality overwhelms us daily, our arrogant ‘educated’ populations say morality has no place in our sexual lives,” Reisman said. “Just as AIDS is a natural outgrowth of amoral sexual education and media, so too is child sexual abuse. We are breeding a new human character and child sexual abuse is increasingly part of that character.”
“I, for one, have had enough,” Barber told LifeSiteNews. “These sexual anarchists, whatever their perverse stripe, need to leave our children alone and let kids be kids.”
According to Professor Reisman, "“They know that to own the future, they must own the minds of our children. Hence, groups like B4U-ACT, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, Planned Parenthood and the like, utilize academia, from pre-school to post-graduate, in order to brainwash and indoctrinate.”
Liberty Counsel Action Vice President Matt Barber, who attended the conference states, "These mental health ‘professionals,’ and self-described pedophile and ‘gay’ activists were inexplicably able to cavalierly discuss, in an almost dismissive way, the idea of child rape. They used flowery, euphemistic psychobabble to give quasi-scientific cover to a discussion about the worst kind of perversion.”
I do not know what to say at this point in my column. We see our public schools, colleges, universities, politicians and President embracing the gay lifestyle with vigor. It is now clear that we are breeding a new human character where anything goes, even pedophilia.
Welcome to the world of the American "Sexual Anarchist".
In a related column the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has declared children as "sexual beings". To read the column please go here:
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Teacher Union's Gay, anti-Parent, anti-Religion, pro-Choice Agenda
According to Education Reporter the National Education Association resolved and passed at its 2011 conference the following:
B-51. Sex Education. The Association recognizes that the public school must assume an increasingly important role in providing the instruction. Teachers and health professionals must be legally protected from censorship and lawsuits. The Association also believes that to facilitate the realization of human potential, it is the right of every individual to live in an environment of freely available information and knowledge about sexuality and encourages affiliates and members to support appropriately established sex education programs. Such programs should include information on sexual abstinence, birth control, family planning, diversity of culture and diversity of sexual orientation and gender identification, sexually transmitted diseases, incest, sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and homophobia.
C-24. Comprehensive School Health, Social, and Psychological Programs and Services. The National Education Association believes that every child should have direct and confidential access to comprehensive health, social, and psychological programs and services. The Association believes that schools should provide
I-17. Family Planning. The National Education Association supports family planning, including the right to reproductive freedom. The Association also urges the implementation of community-operated, school-based family planning clinics that will provide intensive counseling by trained personnel.
I-33. Freedom of Religion. The Association opposes any federal legislation or mandate that would require school districts to schedule a moment of silence.
Any questions?
B-51. Sex Education. The Association recognizes that the public school must assume an increasingly important role in providing the instruction. Teachers and health professionals must be legally protected from censorship and lawsuits. The Association also believes that to facilitate the realization of human potential, it is the right of every individual to live in an environment of freely available information and knowledge about sexuality and encourages affiliates and members to support appropriately established sex education programs. Such programs should include information on sexual abstinence, birth control, family planning, diversity of culture and diversity of sexual orientation and gender identification, sexually transmitted diseases, incest, sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and homophobia.
C-24. Comprehensive School Health, Social, and Psychological Programs and Services. The National Education Association believes that every child should have direct and confidential access to comprehensive health, social, and psychological programs and services. The Association believes that schools should provide
- A planned, sequential health education curriculum for pre-K through adult education that integrates various health topics (such as drug abuse, the dangers of performance-enhancing dietary herbal supplements, violence, safety issues, universal precautions, and HIV education)
- Counseling programs that provide developmental guidance and broad-based interventions and referrals
- Comprehensive school-based, community-funded student health care clinics that provide basic physical and mental health, and health care services (which may include diagnosis and treatment)
- If deemed appropriate by local choice, family-planning counseling and access to birth control methods with instruction in their use
I-17. Family Planning. The National Education Association supports family planning, including the right to reproductive freedom. The Association also urges the implementation of community-operated, school-based family planning clinics that will provide intensive counseling by trained personnel.
I-33. Freedom of Religion. The Association opposes any federal legislation or mandate that would require school districts to schedule a moment of silence.
Any questions?
FL Teacher Opposed to Gay Marriage
Jerry Buell, a teacher of the year from Mount Dora, Florida, posted two comments on his Facebook page. Well someone took exception to his postings. That's right just one person complained.
The first was posted on July 25 at 5:43 p.m. as he was eating dinner and watching the evening news.
Fox News Radio reports, "According to the [Lake County] school system, what Buell wrote on his private account was disturbing. They were especially concerned that gay students at the school might be frightened or intimidated walking into his classroom."
Gay students might be frightened or intimidated? Really?
Gay students should be frightened but not by Mr. Buell. Rather they should be frightened about the short and long term health risks of their behavior. The Man Up report published by the Florida Department of Heath found 70% of male HIV/AIDS cases in our state are due to male sex with males. Is that being taught in our schools?
According to the National Institute of Health, "MSM [Male Sex with Males] continue[s] to comprise a disproportionate number of new HIV transmissions (Osmond, Pollack, Paul, & Catania, 2007; Schwarcz et al., 2007), active HIV/AIDS cases (Hall, Byers, Ling, & Espinoza, 2007; Malebranche, 2003), and STI incidence (Palefsky, 2007; Samuel et al., 2003).
Or is it that Mount Dora High School and the Lake County School District are opposed to the free exercise of religion and freedom of speech when it comes to the facts about gay men/boys and their behavior?
According to Fox News Radio:
Mr. Buell is a hero for speaking truth to power - the power of the gay agenda.
The first was posted on July 25 at 5:43 p.m. as he was eating dinner and watching the evening news.
“I’m watching the news, eating dinner when the story about New York okaying same-sex unions came on and I almost threw up,” he wrote. “And now they showed two guys kissing after their announcement. If they want to call it a union, go ahead. But don’t insult a man and woman’s marriage by throwing it in the same cesspool of whatever. God will not be mocked. When did this sin become acceptable?”Three minutes later, Buell posted another comment:
“By the way, if one doesn’t like the most recently posted opinion based on biblical principles and God’s laws, then go ahead and unfriend me. I’ll miss you like I miss my kidney stone from 1994. And I will never accept it because God will never accept it. Romans chapter one.”It's worth noting that Florida's constitution prohibits recognition of same-sex marriage, the exact view Mr. Buell supports. In essence, he is now being accused of hate speech for expressing a view enshrined in the state constitution.
Fox News Radio reports, "According to the [Lake County] school system, what Buell wrote on his private account was disturbing. They were especially concerned that gay students at the school might be frightened or intimidated walking into his classroom."
Gay students might be frightened or intimidated? Really?
Gay students should be frightened but not by Mr. Buell. Rather they should be frightened about the short and long term health risks of their behavior. The Man Up report published by the Florida Department of Heath found 70% of male HIV/AIDS cases in our state are due to male sex with males. Is that being taught in our schools?
According to the National Institute of Health, "MSM [Male Sex with Males] continue[s] to comprise a disproportionate number of new HIV transmissions (Osmond, Pollack, Paul, & Catania, 2007; Schwarcz et al., 2007), active HIV/AIDS cases (Hall, Byers, Ling, & Espinoza, 2007; Malebranche, 2003), and STI incidence (Palefsky, 2007; Samuel et al., 2003).
Or is it that Mount Dora High School and the Lake County School District are opposed to the free exercise of religion and freedom of speech when it comes to the facts about gay men/boys and their behavior?
According to Fox News Radio:
Buell’s attorney strongly disagreed and accused the school system of violating his First Amendment rights. “The school district is being anti-straight, anti-First Amendment and anti-personal liberty,” said Horatio Mihet, an attorney with the Liberty Counsel. “The idea that public servants have to whole-heartedly endorse homosexual marriage is repugnant to the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution,” Mihet told Fox News Radio. “All he did was speak out on an issue of national importance and because his comments did not fit a particular mold, he is now being investigated and could possibly lose his job. What have we come to? ”Buell said he does not know the individual who filed the complaint, but the past week has caused his family “heartache.” “To try and say you could lose your job over speaking about something in the venue that I did in the manner that I did is not just a knee-jerk reaction,” he said. “It’s a violent reaction to one person making a complaint.” [My emphasis]Time to stop the politically correct madness and attacks on gifted teacher's like Jerry Buell. Time to face the facts. Male sex with males is harmful to the individual, their family, friends, community and society. Men must be held responsible for their actions.
Mr. Buell is a hero for speaking truth to power - the power of the gay agenda.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Gay Business Association Cancels Allen West Meeting
by Javier Manjarres, The Shark Tank
The sudden cancellation by the Wilton Manors Business Association of an appearance by Congressman Allen West is nothing more than the same type of bigotry many in the gay community routinely complain they are the victims of themselves. It’s sad to see that the gay community, at least its leftist leaders, are still living in the stone age and are quite content with the continued marginalization of their ‘community’ by standing against anyone or anything that isn’t painted over with a big fat ‘gay pride flag’. This is the same community that refers to themselves as ‘fags’ and ‘queens’ while also referencing ‘other than gay’ (OTG) citizens as ‘breeders’. The gay community’s actions and lingo reminds many of the racially charged vocabulary that blacks in general use to describe themselves and others in the black community. For example, blacks are fine with calling one another ‘ni@@er’, but don’t let them hear someone who is a couple shades lighter than them say it because that’s “hate” speech.
Like it or not, the gay community in Wilton Manors needs to realize that Allen West is a popular sitting Congressman that is business friendly and is a proponent of cutting taxes for small business- sexual preferences should stay out of the political discourse. Just because he does not support homosexual marriage (many gays don’t believe in it either), doesn’t mean that he is actively working against the gay community- he certainly is working in their business interests.
Here is a statement released by Angela West, Congressman West’s wife, regarding the cancelled event:
Tolerance: “You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.” Friedrich NietzscheSome business owners expressed relief Monday on learning that the Wilton Manors Business Association was canceling an appearance by U.S. Rep. Allen West, R-Plantation. Wilton Manors Mayor Gary Resnick said he, too, was “relieved that none of our businesses will suffer and that this will not become a controversial issue for our business community.” It was stated “having West, who doesn’t support social issues important to many in the gay community, speak it is an affront to gays and lesbians in Wilton Manors.” “It’s a sensitivity issue to many people in our community who feel denigrated.”So, it is better to make sure that the Congressman does not speak. That he does not address small businesses in the area, politics and the economy? Sometimes it might be better to listen.Perhaps it has become so important to brand people, especially in politics to make sure that you have someone to vilify and hate. It makes it easier to say and behave in certain ways. However, if tolerance were to be achieved by an evening of discussion, it would have been discovered that Congressman West’s close relative is gay and married to his partner — we love and adore them both. It might have been interesting to meet a good fellow soldier, Sgt. Tammy Barnwell and her partner Lydia. They all served together with the Congressman in the Middle East. And maybe you could have discussed, after the business meeting of course, his views on DADT.What a novel idea, having a personal discussion with a Congressman. But no, it is far more important to vilify, de-personalize and really bar him from speaking. I suppose we as a family will also be prohibited from visiting the realtor we have been working with, eating the passion fruit gelate and our daughters banned from finding those cute , quirky little clothes at the thrift store on the main street. But that is politics , as Sally Phillips, president of the Democratic caucus, said she’s pleased about the cancellation, it is important to silence the other side — in this case the Congressman. You see in our history this silencing has been accomplished against many other groups, I guess in this case it is just repeating itself.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
The Five Great Gay Lies
There are lies, damn lies and gay lies. Gays live a life that is a lie and they tell lies to hide the lies in their lives. Gay lies have been embraced for far too long by far too many and need to be exposed. Here are my top five greatest gay lies:
LIE #1: "You were born that way and can't change"
That is the politically correct message these days. But it flies in the face of all medical science. No legitimate study has found a "gay gene," and no one was born that way. People become addicted to homosexuality through a number of often complicated factors. And the worldwide ex-gay movement has shown that people can heal and change if they desire. (Sexual radicals themselves say that sexual orientation or expression can be "fluid" -- viz., "bisexuality.")
LIE #2: "It gets better"
No, It DOESN'T get better. Statistically it gets much worse. The numbers of diseases (from AIDS and STDs to bowel diseases, etc.) and the range of mental illnesses and addictions connected with homosexual behavior are staggering. It's commonly estimated that male homosexual behavior takes 20 years off one's life. Homosexual men commonly have hundreds (even thousands) of sexual partners and suffer from alcohol and drug problems, plus high rates of partner abuse. Loneliness and depression are par for the course.
LIE #3: "Suicide is caused by hate and intolerance"
Virtually all responsible medical people and ex-gays themselves will tell you that when "gay" teens contemplate suicide, it's because they're horrified at the disgusting things they're doing to themselves (along with other dysfunction in their lives). But they find themselves addicted to it. And they think that there is no way to ever change. But when they are told they can heal from those behaviors they feel relieved. "Intolerance" has little if anything to do with it. The same suicide rates happen in places where homosexuality is completely tolerated. When you tell a child the truth -- that his homosexual tendencies are destructive -- but he can be healed and can change -- you are doing him a favor on many levels. Actually, gay sites purposefully exaggerate the suicide rate by "gay" teens. (Reliable statistics are difficult to find.)
Lie #4: "HIV/AIDS is not a gay disease"
According to the National Institute of Health, "MSM [Male Sex with Males] continue[s] to comprise a disproportionate number of new HIV transmissions (Osmond, Pollack, Paul, & Catania, 2007; Schwarcz et al., 2007), active HIV/AIDS cases (Hall, Byers, Ling, & Espinoza, 2007; Malebranche, 2003), and STI incidence (Palefsky, 2007; Samuel et al., 2003). . .
Lie #5: "Promoting homosexuality as being normal and natural is good for troubled kids"
This is probably the biggest lie of all. Especially for vulnerable kids who may be going through some psychological trauma, or are just unsure of themselves, this is the worst possible thing you can do to them -- emotionally, psychologically, and certainly medically.
Those who see the truth are silenced by false accusations of homophobia, which is a lie in itself. Homophobia is a political tactic to keep scientists, politicians, journalists, women and men from speaking out. It leads to self imposed censorship.
Censorship leads to lies becoming truth and truth portrayed as lies.
LIE #1: "You were born that way and can't change"
That is the politically correct message these days. But it flies in the face of all medical science. No legitimate study has found a "gay gene," and no one was born that way. People become addicted to homosexuality through a number of often complicated factors. And the worldwide ex-gay movement has shown that people can heal and change if they desire. (Sexual radicals themselves say that sexual orientation or expression can be "fluid" -- viz., "bisexuality.")
LIE #2: "It gets better"
No, It DOESN'T get better. Statistically it gets much worse. The numbers of diseases (from AIDS and STDs to bowel diseases, etc.) and the range of mental illnesses and addictions connected with homosexual behavior are staggering. It's commonly estimated that male homosexual behavior takes 20 years off one's life. Homosexual men commonly have hundreds (even thousands) of sexual partners and suffer from alcohol and drug problems, plus high rates of partner abuse. Loneliness and depression are par for the course.
LIE #3: "Suicide is caused by hate and intolerance"
Virtually all responsible medical people and ex-gays themselves will tell you that when "gay" teens contemplate suicide, it's because they're horrified at the disgusting things they're doing to themselves (along with other dysfunction in their lives). But they find themselves addicted to it. And they think that there is no way to ever change. But when they are told they can heal from those behaviors they feel relieved. "Intolerance" has little if anything to do with it. The same suicide rates happen in places where homosexuality is completely tolerated. When you tell a child the truth -- that his homosexual tendencies are destructive -- but he can be healed and can change -- you are doing him a favor on many levels. Actually, gay sites purposefully exaggerate the suicide rate by "gay" teens. (Reliable statistics are difficult to find.)
Lie #4: "HIV/AIDS is not a gay disease"
According to the National Institute of Health, "MSM [Male Sex with Males] continue[s] to comprise a disproportionate number of new HIV transmissions (Osmond, Pollack, Paul, & Catania, 2007; Schwarcz et al., 2007), active HIV/AIDS cases (Hall, Byers, Ling, & Espinoza, 2007; Malebranche, 2003), and STI incidence (Palefsky, 2007; Samuel et al., 2003). . .
Lie #5: "Promoting homosexuality as being normal and natural is good for troubled kids"
This is probably the biggest lie of all. Especially for vulnerable kids who may be going through some psychological trauma, or are just unsure of themselves, this is the worst possible thing you can do to them -- emotionally, psychologically, and certainly medically.
Those who see the truth are silenced by false accusations of homophobia, which is a lie in itself. Homophobia is a political tactic to keep scientists, politicians, journalists, women and men from speaking out. It leads to self imposed censorship.
Censorship leads to lies becoming truth and truth portrayed as lies.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Anti-Christian Gay Pornographer Behind Bullying Campaign
Courtesy of
[NOTE: Parts of this column are extremely disturbing and vulgar. What follows is the latest effort by the national homosexual movement and its allies to draw in kids across America.]
A purported "anti-bullying" organization, formed less than a year ago by an angry, obscene anti-Christian homosexual activist -- which is actually pushing the acceptance homosexual sex on children -- is being promoted by several corporations, prominent politicians, the media, and now even the Boston Red Sox.
In May MassResistance first reported that the Old Navy Stores chain was selling "gay pride" shirts and donating a percentage of the total sales to this group. Most people were not aware that of the extent of what was happening.
Founded by very disturbed, angry, hateful, and obscene activist and pornographer
The founder, leader, and public face of "It Gets Better" is a media-savvy homosexual activist named Dan Savage. Savage is clearly an angry and obviously disturbed individual who appears to have an obsession with kids and filthy language.
Dan Savage's writings, statements, and activities are so disgusting and obscene that we cannot include them in this email. We've posted the unedited examples HERE.
Here is a (relatively) PG-rated synopsis:
- He set up a website to obscenely attack Sen. Rick Santorum using the most disgusting homosexual imagery. As you enter the website, on the "splash" screen Savage calls Santorum "the byproduct of anal sex." Savage is conducting an ongoing Internet campaign to tie Santorum's name to anal sex.
Dan Savage on television with T-shirt advertising his campaign to connect Santorum's name to anal sex.
- He set up a website to obscenely attack Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church. He described the church's name as a disgusting description of anal sex. Savage went on to suggest that engaging in anal sex is what Pastor Warren actually does "in private" and also what Christian teens involved with his church do when practicing abstinence. He describes this and more in a most sickening manner.
Dan Savage posted this sickening attack on Rick Warren's Saddleback Church and on Christian kids.
- Savage has published obscene attacks on Rep. Michele Bachmann and her husband. He writes that "Michele Bachmann's never met a ranting, raving anti-gay bigot that she wouldn't crawl into bed with." Savage calls her husband a "Queen for a Day" and a "bigot", and makes reference to "eating feces" in his rant against him. In addition, Savage celebrated an attack inside Rep. Bachmann's husband's office by homosexual activists.
- Savage wrote about inserting a "Scott Brown action figure" into someone's rectum or vagina. (This was part of a larger discussion Savage was having about using an Oscar statuette as a sex toy.) It was this vulgar reference that Sen. Brown referenced as his reason for not joining the video by the Mass. Congressional delegation pushing "It Gets Better." [NOTE: We will be covering this more in an upcoming email.]
- Savage said of Republicans while on a television talk show on HBO, "I wish they were all f---ing dead."
- In 2000, Savage pretended he was a conservative and volunteered for Gary Bauer's presidential campaign. Savage wrote that while he was sick with the flu he went into Bauer's office and licked the doorknobs and Bauer's desk implements to try to make Bauer ill.
- He writes a very raunchy, even pornographic, on-line sex column, often aimed at teenagers. In one entry, Savage advises a homosexual teenager who complains that his boyfriend does not give him the kind of anal sex he desires to "seek a partner who meets your needs" because "you're far too young to settle" for second-rate sex. In another column, he publishes a story of a heterosexual couple's anal sex adventures in a quaint B&B, where they upset the management with their noise and the filthy sheets they left behind. Another example: A young man describes his all-expense-paid trip to Paris to be a sex slave in a BDSM "dungeon." Savage seems to especially enjoy publishing letters about teenagers and depraved sex.
On the surface it claims to be about anti-bullying and stopping gay youth suicide. But like many homosexual projects targeting kids, that's a fairly transparent front for pushing the normalization of homosexual and transgender behavior.
As we predicted a few years ago, the homosexual movement is now using the anti-bullying concerns as a cover to push their agenda to children. This is the latest permutation of the "gay student safety" strategy devised by Kevin Jennings in the 1990s to push homosexuality in the public schools.
Neither Dan Savage nor anyone else closely associated with "It Gets Better" appears to have any legitimate qualifications for working with kids, and certainly not for dealing with the behavioral and psychological issues surrounding suicide. They are simply homosexual activists. The real victims are the vulnerable kids who come to them for help.
The main messages that "It Gets Better" repeats to kids can be summarized in five points. Kids are told:
- Don't try to suppress your "gay" identity. You were born gay. Be out and proud of being homosexual. Don't deny it. There is a lot of emphasis on accepting your homosexuality as permanent.
- Adult homosexuals lead a wonderful life. Although being a "gay" kid may be very difficult, it gets much better if you just stick it out. Furthermore, you should seek out adult homosexuals like Dan Savage as mentors and role models.
- Anyone who does not support the homosexual movement or does not believe that homosexual behavior is normal and natural is hateful and intolerant, and wants to help kids kill themselves. This includes Christians in particular. Such people are the cause of bullying and suicide and must be fought vigorously.
- The antidote to bullying and suicide is (a) more homosexual programs in schools, (b) more access for to kids homosexual organizations and homosexual adults, and (c) the suppression of dissenting opinions.
- Any kind of sexual activity imaginable should be explored and celebrated. (The more perverted, the better.)
"When a gay teenager kills himself, what he's saying is that he can't picture a future for himself with joy in it to compensate for the pain in his life now," says Savage. "Gay teenagers need to know that life as an openly gay adult is wonderful... and they shouldn't be filled with despair."They ask kids to pledge to fight "hate and intolerance":
JOIN OUR MOVEMENT - TAKE THE PLEDGE: Everyone deserves to be respected for who they are. I pledge to spread this message to my friends, family and neighbors. I'll speak up against hate and intolerance whenever I see it, at school and at work. I'll provide hope for lesbian, gay, bi, trans and other bullied teens by letting them know that "It Gets Better."Basically he wants kids to pledge to join him in his hateful anti-religious rants.
Planned Parenthood pushing Gay Agenda in Nine States
Planned Parenthood's partnership with GLSEN will now benefit from a $1.425 million grant just awarded by the Centers for Disease Control to GLSEN.So where are the 16 Department of Adolescent and School Health (DASH) funded districts?
According to a GLSEN media release, "the award will help reach 14,500 school personnel and 4 million students." It goes on to say that, "GLSEN will partner with 20 targeted school districts across the country, including the 16 DASH-funded districts, to implement a comprehensive evidence-based program to help keep LBGT students safe and healthy.
The Center for Desease Control and Prevention website pinpoints the 16 DASH-funded school districts: Baltimore, Broward County (Fla.), Chicago, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, Memphis, Miami-Dade County, New York City, Newark (N.J.), Orange County (Fla.), Palm Beach County (Fla.), Philadelphia, San Diego, San Francisco and Seattle.
Florida has four (25%) of the sixteen districts. Why Florida? Florida has become a key state in the 2012 election. School districts are working with diminished budgets. They are cash strapped and some are looking for funding. This is a way to push the gay agenda all in the name of school safety using federal dollars.
Who is behind this program? Kevin Jennings.
According to STOPP, "GLSEN's former executive director, Kevin Jennings, played a key role in the Obama administration as head of the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools in the U.S. Department of Education, prior to his recent resignation after a two-year firestorm of publicity about his controversial past."
Jennings was at the helm of GLSEN in 2000 and 2001, when the 14 - 21 year old attendees were taught how to perform an extremely dangerous sexually perverted practice at a GLSEN conference, and the next year when Planned Parenthood operated a booth at the conference offering kits to facilitate that dangerous sexual practice, ostensibly in a safer way.
The groundwork Jennings laid for GLSEN/government cooperation has now set up an extremely dangerous scenario for school children.
This is another example of how Planned Parenthood partners with other organizations to target children, via use of taxpayer dollars. It is time to stop all public funding to Planned Parenthood and its cohorts. If your children are in one of the school districts receiving this funding, contact school officials immediately and object to the homosexual indoctrination the children are receiving via GLSEN and Planned Parenthood. You should also contact your local, state, and federal representatives and lodge your complaints.
World Net Daily has an article with more information about GLSEN and its programs here.
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