I recently posted a column by ProVita about the Gulf Coast Community Foundation of Venice supporting a Planned Parenthood medical position. The Venice Foundation also supports a group called Advocacy, Leadership, Support, Outreach - Out Youth (ALSO). Ever heard of ALSO?
According to its website:
ALSO Out Youth provides peer support services, social activities, educational programs and workshops, advocacy, andreferrals for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and questioning youth ages 13 to 21, their families, friends, and the community, thereby enhancing self-esteem and promoting healthy dialogue. [Emphasis added]
Referrals? Referrals to whom for what? This group advocates for a gay, lesbian, transgender, and intersex life style with a mixed group of adults and children as young as 13, according to their website.
Stephen is also (no pun intended) very active with Sarasota County Openly Promotes Excellence (SCOPE), a local non-profit organization supported with tax dollars. He is part of SCOPE's CID - Coalition for Inclusion and Diversity. It is most interesting that the Sarasota County School District and ALSO Out Youth are key partners in this effort. So what has the CID Youth Initiative, of which Stephen is a part, accomplished? According to the SCOPE website:
- Youth have founded diversity clubs and hosted 7 day-long “Unity Days” at their schools, reaching over 300. The goal of Unity Days is to create safer schools by effecting changes in student and staff knowledge, skills, relationships and personal behavior relating to diversity, interpersonal skills and character development. This is accomplished through activities that are hands-on and experiential and incorporate reading, dialogue, art, music, and physical activities. Not only are participants affected, but they in turn affect many others throughout the school. (2007-2008)
- Raised over $7,000 to send 9 high school students to the nationally celebrated Anytown, a 5-day residential diversity awareness and leadership program created by Community Tampa Bay. (2007)
- Convened over 100 people gathered at a local middle school to discuss and hear adult and youth panelists speak on the topic of “Youth and Diversity.” Partners include SCOPE, United Way, several faith-based groups, youth organizations, a GLBTQ youth advocacy organization, and the School Board of Sarasota County. (2008) [Emphasis added]
Stephen is listed as a member of the Sarasota County Health Departments Community AIDS Network (CAN). So, Sarasota County, the Sarasota County School Board and ALSO Out Youth are all pushing a gay, lesbian, transgender and bi-sexual agenda. How wonderful. Just what we all want our tax dollars to go to and we need in our middle and high schools, neighborhoods and community.
Other donors/contributors listed on the ALSO website are: SunTrust, Gamma Mu Foundation, Tides Foundation, Calamus Foundation, Cameresi Designs, Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce, Sarasota County Government, Sarasota County Department of Health, and Comcast Cable.
Partners listed include: Community Youth Development (CYD), Coalition for Inclusion and Diversity (CID), Sarasota County Department of Health (DOH), Safe and Drug-free Schools Committee -- School Board (SDFS), Planned Parenthood (PP), HIV/AIDS Network of Southwest Florida (HANS), Sarasota County Openly Plans for Excellence (SCOPE), Equality Florida (EQ-FL), Gay and Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN) and the Human Rights Campaign (HRC).
Note GLSEN is a partner and distributed in Massachusetts schools the Little Black Book showing and telling in graphic detail middle and high school students how to enjoy homosexual sex. WARNING THE LITTLE BLACK BOOK CONTAINS GRAPHIC MATERIAL.
Please have no doubt in your mind that organizations like ALSO Out Youth support a behavior that is both a threat to the health of our children and can have long term consequences on our society. The ideas being pushed by Stephen, by ALSO Out Youth and others like GLSEN are designed to make homosexual behavior mainstream. Programs like these are designed to introduce our children to homosexuality and thereby potentially recruit our youth to the gay lifestyle all in the name of "diversity". The World Health Organization issued a report showing that the world-wide HIV/AIDS pandemic is fueled primarily by three behaviors - prostitution, intravenous drug abuse and homosexuality.
Stay tuned as MAN UP! keeps you informed.
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